Student Work Examples

Production design

Production Design: The examples below are a snapshot of 15+ years teaching and supporting students in the creation of animation-based 2D design work for 3D production. Including character design, environment design, and prop design through concept/world building exercises, projects, classes, lectures, practical examples, one to one support, assessment, and written feedback.

More examples of student work can be found here - 3D Animated Shorts , Production Bibles , & London Shows.

Sam Cannon

Samantha Niemczyk

Tom Smith

Julien Van Wallendael

Julien Van Wallendael

Julien Van Wallendael

Samantha Niemczyk

Samantha Niemczyk

Samantha Niemczyk

Heidi Grover

Cat Barber & Julien Van Wallendael

Anderson Moshi

Alice Druzga

Rebecca Stapely

Charlie Serafini

Cat Barber

Adrián Alemany

Adrián Alemany

Gabriel Burokas

Domantas Lukošius

Dayle Sanders

Alex Zepharin-Pinnock

Manisha Dusila

Joey Ku

Joey Ku

Rosalyn Fenton

Tom Smith

Molly Bolder

Tumo Mare

Max Rogers

Joe Crouch

Jolanta Jasiulionyte

Scarlett Freeman

Jonathan Pearmain

Tom Beg

Alice Druzga

Josh Aldis

Eva Pinnington

Eva Pinnington